Senin, Juli 07, 2014

Introduction To Seven Segment Display

Seven segment display (ssd) is a display device usually used to show decimal number system. Popular physical form of seven segmen display is:

can be seen, there are 7 segmen
(segment a,b,c,d,e,f, and g)
and a point is denoted
with P (abbreviation of

there are types of 7 segmen:

Can be seen 7 segments have 10 pin:
  • For 7 segment typed cathode, there are pin a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dp,gnd,gnd
  • For 7 segment typed anode, there are pin a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dp,vcc,vcc

each is combination of segments (usually use led) is arranged like picture above. Base form of 7 segment as follows:
Common Katoda
Commond Anoda

Use 7 segmen display:
  • Example on 7 segment typed cathode, we want to turn on segment a by using DC supply, connect positive of supply to pin 7 of seven segment display with 150 Ω resistor, and connect negative of supply to Gnd/ground (pin 3 or pin 8 of seven segment
  • Example on 7 segment typed anode, we want to turn on segment a by using DC supply, connect positive of supply to Vcc (pin 3 or pin 8 of seven segment) with 150 Ω resistor, and connect negative of supply to pin 7 of seven segment

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