Sabtu, Mei 03, 2014

Define Value/Content of Char Variable On C Programming Language

Char derived from the word character, there are many characters that we know, begin from types of letters, numeral, or others symbol such as punctuation mark, etc.
  • a is valued as character consists of 1 character
  • 7 is valued as character consists of 1 character
  • abcd is valued as character consists of 4 characters
  • 6789 is valued as character consists of 4 characters
  • ab87 is valued as character consists of 4 characters
  • cumi1569 is valued as character consists of 8 characters

Syntax of char variableis:

char nama_char; //Define a variable as char variable
name_of_char = ' ' //Define content one character filled between single quotes mark

Example of using of char variable in which char variable value is defined on program syntax
  1. Open Dev C++
  2. File menu > New > Source File, then will be created a new worksheet titled Untitled1
  3. File menu > Save As. On Save as type: choose C source files (*.c) and on File name, example we give name introduction to char and string variable part 1.c
  4. First, type minimal required syntax on C programming:


  5. Add getch() function in main() function to show program result while be Run, so that program syntax be:


  6. Define name of a variable as a char variable:

      char name_of_char;

  7. Define content one character of char variable, example we fill with S letter character

      char name_of_char;
      name_of_char = 'S';

  8. If we want to show character defined on program syntas, can be used printf() function with use code %c
    Code %c is code to show value of a char variable (gotten from initial of char, i.e. c) continued with type its char variable name

      char name_of_char;
      name_of_char = 'S';
      printf("%c", name_of_char);

  9. For more interesting can be added senetece

      char name_of_char;
      name_of_char = 'S';
      printf("Character from program syntax: %c", name_of_char);

  10. We can also add other char vriable

      char name_of_char1;
      char name_of_char2;
      name_of_char1 = 'S';
      name_of_char2 = '2';
      printf("First character from program syntax: %c \n", name_of_char1);
      printf("Second character from program syntax: %c", name_of_char2);

Hopefully useful... :)

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