Minggu, April 03, 2016

How To Download File From Issuu.com

How to download file from issuu.com:
  1. Open issuu.com file link which want to be downloaded to know number of pages
  2. Open http://utilidades.gatovolador.net/issuu/ sites
  3. Fill file url which want to be downloaded at box on the right of lettering "URL de visualización en Issuu:"
  4. Fill number of homepage at box on the right lettering "Primera página:" and fill number of last page at box on the right lettering "Última página:"
  5. Click on DESCARGAR
  6. Will opened page that show pages of the book with sequence down, save the page as .htm then will be gotten image files
  7. If want to be a pdf file, we can join thoses images with NitroPDF software

  1. We want to download issuu.com file linked:
  2. Open http://utilidades.gatovolador.net/issuu/ site
  3. Fill https://issuu.com/hatimelkhouaja/docs/thequranandmodernscience2-130731162 at box on the right of lettering "URL de visualización en Issuu:"
  4. Fill number 1 at box on the right lettering "Primera página:" and fill number 67 at box on the right lettering "Última página:"
  5. Click on DESCARGAR
  6. Will opened page that show pages of the book with sequence down, save the page as .htm then will be gotten image files
  7. If want to be a a pdf file, we can join thoses images with NitroPDF software

If there is someone need help, please.... : )
Hopefully useful...

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