Kamis, Maret 28, 2013

SOS Morse Code Signaller Via Blinking Led with Arduino

I think, poin of sketch will be learned now is how make sketch to do iteration with a certain number on a statemen bloc, on this time, we will apply on transmiting SOS letter on Morse Code.

Previously, of course we must know what is Morse Code,
Morse Code is represent letter, number, punctuation mark, and signal with using dot and line code are structured represent certain character on alphabet or certain signal are agreed on of its using in whole the world. Morse code is created by Samuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail in 1835.
From morse code list, S letter is symbolized by dot as much as 3, and O letter is symbolized by line as mush as 3.

On this time, we will show the morse code in Led Blinking Show, then S letter is symbolized with blinking Led as much as 3, blinking is on then off again, consider timing on is a milisecond, while O letter is also simbolyzed with blinking Led as much as 3, blinking is on then off again, certain timing on for O letter is longer than a millisecond, because S letter is symbolized with dot as much as 3, while O letter is symbolized with line as musc as 3.

Its circuit is exact same with circuit to controlling 1 Led on this article.

The sketch are follows:

int ledpin = 10;

void setup()
    pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);

void loop()

    for (int x=0; x>3; x++) {
    digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);


    for (int x=0; x>3; x++) {
    digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);


    for (int x=0; x>3; x++) {
    digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);


Hasilnya dapat dilihat pada video berikut:

If there is something understood, please ask sahabat... salam alaik... :)


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